Saturday, January 21, 2012

first world problems!


I did my taxes yesterday (since I had nothing else to do because D&D was cancelled yet again. lol) and I'm getting a good return. Now I can't get away from HLJ, Rightstuf, and Newegg.

After shipping, the 2 things from HLJ that I want would be about $60 or more. And that's with the cheapest shipping.

And RightStuf would be about $123 with free shipping.

$180-$190... @-@;;; butiwantthemsomuch!!!!

On the Newegg side of things I also need to upgrade my computer. My 2009 rig is falling behind with a number of games since I held back on graphics (9800gtx+ which doesn't support dx11) and got a 2 core processor. But my current processor would stifle a new VGA card and a new processor means a new motherboard which means new sticks of RAM which means... Actually, just those 4 things would need to be upgraded. I don't know, I'll play around on Newegg some more later.

These all add up to a lot of money. And I'm supposed to make my return last as long as possible.

Oh well, I'll worry about it all later, off to Movie Night!

P.S. - Back from Movie Night and REDLINE was amazing! <3

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